Clicks on the Unity status bar are handled by ConsoleE rather than the default console.
New display columns
Time.time, [PRO], and other properties associated with log entries can be automatically displayed in columns, in the callstack area, or in the 2nd line.
New display options for 2nd line
Dim the second line for better overall readability, wrap log message text to the 2nd line.
Hide toolbar buttons
Hide toolbar buttons you never use, or enable small button mode to reduce clutter.
Improved small window support
Options for small toolbar buttons and text wrapping options allow the console window to become very narrow without losing functionality.
Tab settings file management
Settings for tabs (categories) can be stored outside the project. This allows using a single file between multiple projects. Additionally you can use multiple settings files for one project. Switch between different tab settings for different debugging scenarios.
Extensions & hooks [PRO]
Write C# extensions to customize right-click menus, or intercept events like open or selection.
Open-with override per category [PRO]
Each category can have a custom open-with override. This is useful if part of your project is using externally-built DLLs.
Misc fixes
Unity 5.3 support, Windows 10 support, icon rendering glitch fix, and misc bug fixes.
Coming soon in a future update...
Retina display support
Unity 5.4 will have proper support for retina (4k) displays, ConsoleE will too.
Improved external DLL support
ConsoleE already has good support for external DLLs, but this support is about to get much better. Stay tuned!